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The World of interiors

Partenaire média Maison&Objet


Casa Stile

For the past 40 years The World of Interiors has been editing the unique and the unusual. Bringing together exceptional interiors and decorative arts, it is widely acknowledged as the most influential design and decoration magazine that money can buy. The influential style and expert authority of The World of Interiors remains beyond comparison. Celebrating lasting value, craftsmanship and detail, it is appreciated by lovers of art, culture and style worldwide. With a global audience of 3 million across print, and social, The World of Interiors reaches an upscale audience of culturally curious opinion formers and creatives, their appreciation of style and culture extends beyond interior design to their lifestyles.

Details to access the digital edition of the World of Interiors as follows:
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Step 1. Click on the link below and set up an access account - copying your coupon code exactly as it's shown.
Step 2. Download The World of Interiors app on your mobile or tablet device from either Google Play or the App Store.
Step 3. Click on ""Account ""/ ""Existing Subscriptions"" and Log In using the account credentials from step 1.
Step 4. Download your issue(s) and enjoy!"



the world of interiors

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